Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Just for fun

My belly button

A cabbage patch kid doll's belly button

And for the record that's not a stretch mark but the weird line you get down the middle of your belly when you're pregnant. Had to say it.

36 Week Belly, Ultrasound, and Update

Alright, this will be a big update that is probably boring to most of yall but I want to make sure I remember everything from the last few weeks. Maddie (or really my crazy body) is certainly keeping us on our toes.

Here's a little background. Since I am insulin dependent for my gestational diabetes my doctor keeps Madeleine closely monitored through frequent Fetal Non-Stress Tests (I'm hooked up to a contraction monitor and a heartbeat monitor and every time Maddie moves I press a button and the doctor looks to see that her heart rate goes up for about 15 seconds for each movement. This judges if the placenta is giving her what she needs.) and Bio Physical Profiles (an ultrasound where the baby is scored on certain things she should be doing while in the womb). I pretty much live at the doctor's office. I also have to keep a close watch on her movement through the day but this has not been a chore since she likes to hold dance parties, thankfully.

Okay so anyway, at 34 weeks I had half jokingly told my friend Sara the night before an appointment that she was on call as my baby daddy since Mark was out of town in Wisconsin. We both laughed about how she didn't really want that job but would do it anyway and brushed it off. The next day when I was hooked up to the NST machine it showed that I was having strong contractions every 2-3 minutes. I thought they were braxton hicks since they didn't hurt and my stomach is pretty tight all the time now anyway. The office started scrambling, threw out the term preterm labor, did more checks and tests, and ran in and out of the room a lot. And in my pregnant airhead state I had gone to the doctor without my phones too. So as I was sitting there watching the contractions continue and get stronger I was trying to figure out how I was going to get a hold of Mark who was probably in a plant or something, the lengths I would have to go to in order to get Sara's phone number (since I don't have it memorized), how she was going to FREAK, and wondering why I didn't do my hair before the appointment! Eventually, they let me go home since it didn't seem to be progressing where it counted (no dilation or effacement and Maddie was at a -3 station) and after I got home to rest and got super hydrated the contractions. Thankfully nothing came from it but it really got us on our toes and kicked into high gear to get ready for her all the while taking it slow so as to not go into preterm labor again (I had worked on her room all weekend and decorated the Christmas tree-guess that was too much)!

So onto week 35 and 5 days. The Sunday night before Christmas, I went to bed feeling lousy and eventually spent the whole night and early morning in the bathroom with a horrific stomach flu/bug/food poisoning thing. I just wanted to die. I've never felt so bad in my whole life. This pregnancy hasn't all been roses but that day takes the cake. Every time I would start to contract I would throw up. It was awful and I just kept thinking this can not be the way my baby is born because I will be completely unable to treasure any of it or even want to see her! Eventually I got so sick and dehydrated that I was contracting every two minutes (strong enough that I noticed this time) and called the on call doctor early that morning. He gave me some OTC medicine to try but I could not keep anything down so we had to go into Labor and Delivery for monitoring, fluids, and IV meds. I hate needles but I've never been so ready for them! After getting IV fluids and phenargan in me I could keep ice chips down and the contractions stopped. Super exciting! But as soon as I started to feel half way decent enough to just go home and sleep Maddie's heart rate went up too high from the sugars in the IVs. Gestational diabetes.... So we had to wait it out another couple of hours until the nurses were convinced it was going to stay down and she was safe. Ugggg. No fun, but Mark took good care of me and I pretty much slept for the next two days until my family got into town for Christmas and then let them take good care of us!

Now, week 36! At the ultrasound I had scheduled that week Maddie looked awesome and passed her tests with flying colors. My parents even got to come and take a peek at her. But my placenta did not look good. At 36 weeks it looked like a past due placenta with lots of calcification. It typically only happens this early in women who are smokers or have pre eclampsia. I don't fall in either of those categories so we don't know what the deal is. To complicate matters, babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes tend to have later lung development. So we are walking the fine line between making sure her lungs are ready and making sure the placenta still gives Maddie what she needs. That means more monitoring! But so far so good. She is still thriving and having her dance parties every day so unless that changes she stays put until her lungs are ready.

Okay here is what you want anyway

Catching Up! Sugar Land Shower

Please forgive my brevity on these next few posts. If I'm not brief I will never get them posted.

On November 21st, Maddie and I were super blessed to be given a baby shower in Sugar Land. I have grown up watching and learning how to be a Christian mother from the ladies that hosted and attended the shower. I really hope to be able to emulate them.

The Hostesses

Opening Maddie's bedding my Mom made. So cute!!

RieRie, CiCi, and Mommy!

The first of the many pink dolls Mark will be carrying around.

I have more photos on facebook and a bajillion more printed for Maddie's baby book. Thank you Sarah for taking great pictures as usual!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

33 weeks Belly and Ultrasound

Here is the 33 week belly shot. I really feel like I've grown a lot the last few weeks. She now spends quite a bit of time with her feet in my ribs and her hiccups can shake my whole belly now. My belly button is an exact replica of a cabbage patch kid doll's by the way... I also put a tunic on over this outfit. I don't usually dress like a mime.

We had an ultrasound today to check on how big Madeleine is and how the diabetes is affecting her. It all looks great! It looks like she weighs right at 4 lbs and that puts her in the 33rd percentile. The technician said if she gains half a pound a week from here on out she should be about 7 1/2 lbs. That sounds good to us! So it doesn't look like we have a giant gestational diabetes baby or a toddler sized newborn like her father.

During the ultrasound we got to watch her drink her amniotic fluid, do her practice breathing, and try and suck on her fist and her feet. Maddie did everything she was supposed to be doing during the ultrasound and got a perfect report so we are happy about that.

It also looks like she has a lot hair! I'm really excited about that! I think she has her daddy's nose and her feet are really long too. It may sound silly but I can't wait to see whose toes she has. It sorta looked like his toes today more than mine but who knows at this point.

Here are some videos:

Sticking out her tongue

Sucking on her fist (I think it's a fist...could be a foot)

I hope to get Maddie's nursery in semi working order this weekend. We need to put the crib together, move out the last of Mark's office stuff (including the desk), and pretty much do everything except paint. We had a wonderful shower while we were in Texas (pictures are on facebook and I'll post some on here soon) and right now it looks like a bomb went off in there between all her gifts and her father's stuff (and Indy Cat keeps getting into things and making an even bigger mess...she LOVES tissue paper,tiny socks, and any sort of chaos!). After her room is put more together I get to start on Christmas decorations!!! Wooo! I hope I can be as productive as I say I will be this weekend but we'll see. It may be me sitting in a chair and watching Mark do stuff! He is the sweetest!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

30 Weeks Belly

It's the 10 week count down! My belly button has popped. Maddie has the hiccups ALL the time. And I had my first "when are you due" from a complete stranger on Sunday. That was exciting! I can't believe how fast it is going. After morning sickness ended it really has gone by so fast. And we still have A LOT to do. But we are slowly making it all happen.

My AWESOME in-laws spent a week with us and got sooo much done! The exercise equipment is out of the baby's room. The baby's room is painted. They installed a new microwave (that was a surprise project!). And they raked soooo many leaves (we have soooo many mature trees that this time of year is not fun for Mark)!

We are also almost done with childbirth classes so I guess this is really going to happen! I don't know if our original plan of just letting labor and birth happen on it's own is still the plan now or not. I found out a few weeks ago that I have gestational diabetes (surprise!) and am already insulin dependent so that coupled with Mark being a giant baby (11 lbs 23 in) may change our plans. But who knows! I've got a great doctor so I'm sure we will make the best decision for Maddie. So keep her in your prayers if she isn't already. We specifically are praying that she isn't affected by the sugars and doesn't get big.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Indy Baby Shower - Saturday, November 6th

On Saturday a couple of super sweet friends threw me and Miss Madeleine a really awesome baby shower. Who knew four years ago how much of a blessing Indiana would be for these Texans? We sure didn't!!

"Psychic" Sara knows me so well she asked that instead of signing cards to sign your favorite baby book instead! If I was a teary emotional pregnant lady (which I am surprisingly not) I would've cried!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

27 Weeks

Here is the 27 week belly. See I am pregnant! (Despite what the lady in my pilates class says!) I am actually measuring a week ahead. So Madeleine is in there...she just has lots of room to spread out. According to one of my books this is also the 7th month and the start of the third trimester! Crazy! I think it must be time to start on the nursery. At this point the baby is going to sleep on a treadmill, be changed on a bowflex, and then balance our checkbook and surf the web at the computer. She also can clean out the litter box to improve her hand eye coordination. So needless to say we have a lot of work to do.

But there is work going on! My mom is working on sewing the crib bedding. It's going to be so cute! Here is a peak at the fabric.I've been working on some decorations for her room. I can't wait to get started on it. Hopefully soon!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First Maternity Shirt

For anyone who cares (only my mom and MIL probably) this is the first time I've worn a maternity shirt! I am still wearing my regular jeans but its probably only because I am tall and they sit low enough that I can get away with it. I feel like I've popped though. Boudreaux couldn't miss his chance for a photo op too.

I am now 23 weeks and according to my book that starts the 6th month. So this is the last month of the 2nd trimester. It is really going fast!

We went to Houston this weekend for our cutie patootie niece Katie's 1st birthday. The party was fun and the birthday girl enjoyed her pink cake!

Maddie also scored the mother load of precious hand-me-downs. Thanks Suz and Becca! There were so many actually that my in-laws are going to bring them up when they visit because we couldn't get them all on the plane! I can't wait to play with them when they get here!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

21 Weeks - Over half way there...I hope!

Well, here is the 21 week belly picture. I figure that since there is something to see now we can do without the skin. I am still wearing most of my regular clothes but now I have seen the greatness of the belly band to hold my regular pants up. I am sure their days are numbered though. I have really started growing...even if it's hard for others to tell I can feel it. When my doctor pulled my shirt up today at my appointment she said "Whoah, you've grown!" So I'll take that. She still isn't measuring my belly yet at appointments but she said not to worry.

On another note, I started feeling the baby kick around week 18 and have been able to see some of her bigger kicks since week 19. Mark has maybe felt a couple but mostly they aren't on the same page. He says that he is just a calming influence in her life. Ha!

This is turning into a very random post, but as many of yall know we officially are naming her Madeleine Marie. In an attempt to make her name uncomplicated and classic we probably have done the opposite. Her first name, Madeleine, is spelled the traditional french way and is pronounced as they do, MadeLYNN. People will probably mess up and read it as MadeLINE but we figure she will have to tell people how to pronounce her last name why not her first as well! I have loved the name Madeleine forever. It also happens to be the name of Mark's great (x10) grandmother. I'm pretty sure my side of the family's genealogy can't go back near that far and if it did we would probably end up with something like Effie Edith. I think Marie is the perfect middle name for any little girl! It works with everything. And Marie happens to be Mark's mom's name as well so we think it's perfect!

Fitting with her sweet girlie name she is slowly accumulating some sweet girlie clothes as well! Here is a little peak at what she will be modeling in a few months (Thanks Aunt Betty for the cuddly leopard onesie! We love it!).

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ultrasound Videos

Here is a post for the grandparents!

She's got her legs crossed over her chest even with all the room she has. I sit like this all the time. Welcome to back pain baby girl!

Paw Paw and Rie Rie here are a couple of other videos. They should be different from the ones Mark sent out. And we will bring the cd down in a few weeks so you can see them all!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

We are happy to announce...

It's a GIRL!!!!

And best of all everything looks perfect! We'll post more later. YEA!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

18 Weeks

Well there is the 18 week belly for you. I feel like this weekend I am starting to look pregnant. I'm sure that's making some of yall laugh but it finally feels considerably different for me. The weirdest part though is that I am more comfortable in my regular pants now than I was a month or so ago. I guess the early bloating is gone and what I have is now all baby (and all that comes with that). My doctor said last week that she thought she wouldn't see me in regular clothes at the next appointment though. I think she's probably right. And speaking of appointments TWO DAYS till the big ultrasound!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Is it a Boy or a Girl?

I can't believe we are already this far! In a week on Thursday, August 19th, we will have the big anatomy ultrasound and if the baby cooperates we should find out if it's a boy or a girl! We can't wait.
In this picture I put out the baby's stuff we have accumulated so far. My Grandmother sent us a blue outfit and a pink outfit around week 10. She then lectured us to be patient about finding out what we were having. Ummm who is buying clothes already? The crocheted blanket in the picture is also the one she made for me when I was 16. She's so much fun! The little cow onesie is from my parents and the zebra and bunny book I bought. I actually have bought a few (okay A LOT) of books for the baby but only put this one in the photo. When you see the baby's stuff you can definitely see where my priorities are. Soft fuzzy stuffed animals and books. What else could it want?!

What folks think we are having:
  • Mark and I have no hunches whatsoever
  • Based on the baby's heart rate so far our dad's have been saying girl
  • My friend "psychic Sara" swears it's a boy
  • When we showed Bou the two outfits he grabbed the little boy's outfit
  • My friend Staci, who has three girls, took a look at me today and said girl for sure
  • Sassie seems to be removing the tag from the little girl outfit in this picture
  • My cousins that are pregnant are having boys this fall so I don't know what that does to our odds I just think it's interesting
  • And finally my Grandmother swears she sees more than one baby in the first ultrasound photo so...
We really don't care if it's a boy or a girl. I'm sure we will freak out next Thursday to whatever we see on the ultrasound! Please keep next week in your prayers as what we really want to see next week is a healthy baby.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I think I fixed the blog to allow comments from everyone now. If not please let me know. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

15 Weeks

Not much new going on in the Teddy bump watch. This picture is again taken in the morning. I have started gaining weight so stand by. I'm sure it will pop pretty soon!

Since there isn't much exciting to see, here is a cute picture of Boudreaux.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sara this one's for you!

My friend Sara has been giving me grief for the nonexistent belly pictures. I have been taking them in the morning, before eating, so that I can tell what is just from Teddy. I've also been flashing her my new super weird maternity pants that she thinks I shouldn't wear yet! So this is for her! My old pants fit but aren't comfortable anymore and the maternity ones are too big but I don't have to remember to button them back up when I see people so that's my pick! I may not have a big belly yet but there is just no where for things to spread out anymore. It all sticks out. By the way, I tried the belly band things and didn't like it. Too tight for me.

So here ya go. Here is an almost 14 week middle of the day photo. My Bou Bear kept pushing the door open since he saw me grab the camera so he got to be in the picture.

Sara, you get to be with me all weekend in a bathing suit! Be ready for more belly flashing!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

12 weeks - July 6th

Here is my 12 week belly picture. I can actually see a little bump now! Please excuse the disgusting mirror. It's been a home improvement weekend and not a cleaning one.

5 Year Anniversary and Baby's First Concert

For our five year anniversary we celebrated with 48,000 of our closest friends, and a couple of sweet friends we actually chose to go with, at the Dave Matthews Concert in Noblesville. We LOVE his concerts and luckily got to attend both nights (he does a different concert every night so ya gotta go to both). Robert Earl Keen opened for him as well so it was a little taste of Texas too. The first night we had seats under the pavilion which was super lucky since a squall blew through. The next night we were on the lawn but still had a great time!

9 weeks - June 17th

I don't know if you can tell much of a difference but here is 9 weeks.

First Doctor's Visit - June 16th

This may be long. I am writing this down to help me remember. If you are uninterested just scroll down for the cute picture.

After having the miscarriage last year my doctor had a different plan for monitoring this pregnancy. Since my body never recognized the first baby's loss we can't trust that my body will do what it's supposed to should something go wrong. So as soon as we found out we were pregnant my doctor had me do what felt like a ton of blood draws (and I love needles and blood) to check progesterone and hcg levels for the first few weeks of the pregnancy then do an earlier ultrasound than we did last time. We were supposed to do the ultrasound at 8 weeks but our doctor was going to be out of town so we opted for 9 weeks over having a technician do it. That extra week was torture but we both really love my doctor and knew if it was bad news, or good news, we wanted her to be there.

Almost as soon as my doctor started the ultrasound we could see the baby! Everything looked perfect and we even saw it moving around and wiggling. That was really cool. The baby's heart beat was 184 beats a minute. It has two legs, two arms, a big head, a round belly, a placenta, a yoke sack, and an umbilical cord.

We were both so nervous and really preparing for the worst so we were pretty quiet for the appointment. At the end of the ultrasound the doctor spun around on her chair and yelled "YEA!!!!!!!!!!" then told us to relax and stop worrying. I think we have! Now we have to actually start planning for this kid cause it looks like it's going to show up! So far this baby has some books, a blanket my grandmother crocheted for my first child when I was 16 (yup...great present for a 16 year old), and a cat stuffed animal. We've got some work to do!

Mark said that the baby looks like a Teddy Graham so that's what we've been calling it! Meet little Teddy!

Monday, July 5, 2010

6 weeks - May 26th

We will see how long I post belly shots with the shirt lifted but here ya go for now. This is the first picture I took at 6 weeks. I'm really bloated so other than the poochiness from that there really isn't anything to see. But my people spoke and I answered!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!! After getting the very faint second line on the pregnancy test we sent this picture out to our families announcing the good news! Boudreaux LOVES having his picture taken so he was a glad to pose. Get used to seeing lots of him because he loves photo shoots and Mark and I are happy to oblige. We are pretty sure he is the cutest dog on the planet and that deserves lots of photographic proof.