We had an ultrasound today to check on how big Madeleine is and how the diabetes is affecting her. It all looks great! It looks like she weighs right at 4 lbs and that puts her in the 33rd percentile. The technician said if she gains half a pound a week from here on out she should be about 7 1/2 lbs. That sounds good to us! So it doesn't look like we have a giant gestational diabetes baby or a toddler sized newborn like her father.
During the ultrasound we got to watch her drink her amniotic fluid, do her practice breathing, and try and suck on her fist and her feet. Maddie did everything she was supposed to be doing during the ultrasound and got a perfect report so we are happy about that.
It also looks like she has a lot hair! I'm really excited about that! I think she has her daddy's nose and her feet are really long too. It may sound silly but I can't wait to see whose toes she has. It sorta looked like his toes today more than mine but who knows at this point.
Here are some videos:
Sticking out her tongue
Sucking on her fist (I think it's a fist...could be a foot)
I hope to get Maddie's nursery in semi working order this weekend. We need to put the crib together, move out the last of Mark's office stuff (including the desk), and pretty much do everything except paint. We had a wonderful shower while we were in Texas (pictures are on facebook and I'll post some on here soon) and right now it looks like a bomb went off in there between all her gifts and her father's stuff (and Indy Cat keeps getting into things and making an even bigger mess...she LOVES tissue paper,tiny socks, and any sort of chaos!). After her room is put more together I get to start on Christmas decorations!!! Wooo! I hope I can be as productive as I say I will be this weekend but we'll see. It may be me sitting in a chair and watching Mark do stuff! He is the sweetest!