Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

14 Months

Madeleine Marie is 14 months old now.  She seems to be going on 2!  Here is what she is up to:

  • Maddie Rie has really grown!  She weighs 22 lbs 10 ounces and is who knows how long but she is definitely getting bigger.  She is wearing mostly 12-18 month clothes and can only wear 18 month footy pajamas.  She actually wore a hole in the toe of one of her 12 month pjs.  I guess we should have moved on up sooner.  Her feet are now a size 3! 
  • Her eyes are still a mystery color to us.  Sometimes they are grey, green, or blue.  But the right one is always a slightly different color from the left.  Who knows what they will be or maybe this is just them!
  • Maddie is a cruising machine.  She is pulling up on anything and anyone (even the dog!).  Unfortunately this does lead to some pretty good crashes.  She had one day that it seemed like all she could do was bust her lip on the coffee table.  Poor kid.  She NEVER cries from wipe outs so you know when she does that it definitely hurt.
  • She is really good at playing "Where is Maddie's or Mommy's nose, eyes, etc.?"  Maddie can identify pretty much any body part she can reach.  Eyes, ears, nose, head, hair, mouth, teeth, tongue, hands, fingers, toes, and feet.
  • Maddie Rie got her first tooth on March 21st!  It is her left top middle tooth!  There are at least two other top teeth that seem close but no sign of any bottom teeth.
  • Madeleine is full of toddler attitude and is throwing little fits when things don't go as she wants. 
  • Maddie attended her first wedding, Katy and Ty's, and at the reception had her first kiss from her friend Kace.  Love was in the air!
  • She is starting to get really cuddly and is giving lots more kisses to people (she used to save that for books).
  • If you ask her a question and she doesn't know the answer to she gives you "I don't know hands."  She also gives you the hands when someone walks out the door like "where did he go?"
  • She roars like a lion, caws like a crow, and makes monkey sounds.
  • Madeleine had her first ear infection.
  • She loves to play make believe that she is on the phone either with a real phone or even just her hand.
  • Maddie likes to rock and pat her babies.
  • Madeleine says her name to ask for something.  So if you have a drink or something to eat that she wants she says "Maddie!  Maddie!" to indicate that she thinks she needs it.
  • Maddie isn't walking but she needs to carry things as she moves around so she has adapted a scoot/crabwalk sorta thing where she holds her toy with one hand and uses the other to scoot her bottom and feet forward.  It's got to be more work than walking.
  • Maddie tries to do the hand motions to "this little light of mine."
  • She is a real toot when it comes to eating now.  She really only wants pureed baby food, fruit, or pieces of bread or veggie puffs.  The kid used to eat her weight in peas, green beans, and turkey.  But now if they touch her tongue un-mushed she gags like a cat with a hairball.  It is trying for her mother!  I miss my good little eater.
 Checking out some of her Valentine goodies

My attempt at recreating her Valentine outfit picture from last year

She REALLY wanted to wear the black hair clip even though she already had the headband on.  She worked so hard to put it on then handed it over for help.

With the big girls Annie and Sydney at Katy and Ty's wedding.

With her boyfriend Kace.  We missed getting them kissing!  Errr!

"I love my bunnies!"  She really really does.

In the car on the way to a family reunion in Dallas.  Maddie grabbed a hold of this raccoon at Buccees with CiCi and would not let go.  So Pops had his first "I really need that" purchase from his granddaughter.  I thought we had a few more years before this!

We made a little side trip to Fort Worth to meet our friend Brynley!  We can't wait for another visit with her sweet family.

Playing in the hotel room. 

Hunting lizards with my best bud

Light reading

"I don't know hands"


    1. maddie is the friendliest little girl I know. so precious!

    2. I love reading these and being able to refer back to them for Jake. She is so cute. Glad y'all are here!!

    3. Thank you God for 14 months of this blessing!!!!!
      Ci Ci
