- Our Bitty Girl is 16 months old! This month we've had some really great weather so we have been spending lots of time outside. Maddie loves everything about being outside - bubbles, pools, playing in water, sidewalk chalk, and taking walks in her stroller to visit the ducks at the pond.
- Madeleine is wearing mostly 18 month clothes and size 4 shoes.
- She has 3 new teeth and little curls at the nape of her neck.
- The little chatterbox is gaining more and more words or reworking ones she has already said. Right now KaKa is for Kyle, says diaper, I did it (which she uses at hilarious times), yucky, cracker, and Ni-Ni for again. She also pants like a dog.
- Maddie loves Sonshine school on Tuesdays and still loves the church nursery. We hear almost every week that she is the happiest baby in there.
- Madeleine loves to headbutt her daddy and cracks up when she does it. He will lean in to kiss her and she'll "bonk" him.
- Maddie is starting to climb things.
- The girl loves her some stickers!
- Madeleine had her first non family babysitter with Ms Sarah (MiMi) a couple of times and they had a blast. It warms my heart to see her play at her house like I did growing up.
- Madeleine completely weaned at 15.5 months (tmi for some of yall but I want to remember). She knows the sign for milk and has really taken well to drinking it.
- Maddie's current favorite book is "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb" and "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." I've moved most of her books out of her reach downstairs to encourage her to move and play. This girl would read all day long if we let her. So since her books are out of reach she brings us consumer reports, cds, and mail to read.
- Madeleine LOVES sharing her cup, paci, and food with Bou. He has to be locked in the laundry room now during her meal times. They are quite the pair.
- Maddie pushed herself up to standing from the floor on 4-16 and taking started taking her first steps the next day. But crawling is still her mode of transportation. Walking is just a party trick for now.
Learning letters at the library.
Taking care of her babies.
Feeding the cows at Hannah's birthday party. Maddie LOVED them!
Outside fun
Beauty routines
Sweet little curls
It's much more fun to be pushed in the wagon than to push it yourself
Oh hello ice cream! Nice to see you!!
Mommy, I have no idea who did this.
I have no idea how this happened, either!
Hanging with my buddy.
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