Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

12 weeks - July 6th

Here is my 12 week belly picture. I can actually see a little bump now! Please excuse the disgusting mirror. It's been a home improvement weekend and not a cleaning one.


  1. YEAH!!! I just thought this morning of how I needed to send you an email and demand you start a blog- you must of heard my thoughts! I loved seeing your ultrasound picture and I am already thrilled to meet baby Richard next May. I am very glad we will get to keep in touch with ya'll and up to date on baby through this blog. Love you!

  2. Alright... if you're pregnant, you can't be showing off rockin' abs. Hey Theodore!!!

  3. Yeah, that was the first thing I thought of ... "How could she even THINK about posing in front of that disgusting mirror?!" :-) Paw Paw says hey! And oh yeah, remember Teddy ... Go Saints!!

  4. So excited to get to read your blog as you experience this craziness!
