Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 3, 2012

1 Year Old!

I realized I didn't put any pictures of Madeleine's actual first birthday on the last post except for her 12 month sticker photo.  So here is the rest of that day! 

Maddie's sweet Daddy brought her balloons home.  Although Maddie doesn't watch Sesame Street yet,  she has an Elmo faucet cover on the bathtub and loves him!  The balloons are still up (February 3rd) and she is still excited to come downstairs and see him every day.

We gave Maddie the Laugh and Learn House for her birthday and she LOVES it.  It's a really great toy I highly recommend!  She especially loves the radio part.  


 Boudreaux is her constant shadow.

I wanted to wait until her birthday party for her to try any cake so she had french toast for her celebratory birthday meal.  She can put that stuff away!

And her favorite dessert...GRAPES!  Or as she says it GDAPESSSTH!

 "I'm ONE years old!!"  That's her one finger.  Despite all of her Aunt Suzi's hard work to change the finger over Christmas she is back with her favorite middle finger.

Here is Maddie checking out her other birthday presents...surprise!  Books!

This is our attempt at a family picture.  She was done.

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